Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Health Education Leaflet Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Health Education Leaflet pass judgment - Essay ExampleFor this purpose some of these policies are based on providing relevant tuition to the health care individuals, such as nurses, doctors, pharmacists etc. Various modes of promoting health services and knowledge programs have been conducted by a range of community centers and hospitals over the past few years.Although, Verbal communication between a patient and a doctor can never be substituted by any other information channel, but through various studies it has been proven that informative leaflets and brochures provide a satisfactory increase in knowledge of the patient (Harvey & Plumridge Hawkey &Hawkey, 1989). If the mental object of the leaflet is relevant then it has its own advantages over verbal communication between patient and doctors. For example, it can provide information on various perspectives of a disease or a treatment regimen in one or two pages. Furthermore, a leaflet or a brochure can be kept for future re ference and easily remembered by the patient, if he is able to read the content once or twice (Secker, 1997 Bernier & Yasko, 1991 Dixon, 1992).Gal & Prigat (2005) argues about it, although the affectivity of leaflets in promoting health is undeniable, a variety of these leaflets still fail to provide relevant information to the target audience. This may be because a lay man reading such professionally written leaflets is unable to grasp the content or writing style (Payne et al.,2000).In the paper, critical appraisal of a leaflet will be discussed. The chosen Leaflet will be critically evaluated in context of its design, writing style, organization, illustrations, aim or purpose, information provided, and its ethical agenda.The leaflet that is chosen for this critical appraisal is about COPD that is Chronic Obstructive pneumonic Disease. It is the most common and chronic lung disease that results in narrowing of the airway (such as bronchi or bronchioles) and slander to the lungs (Barnes & Godfrey, 2000 Stockley, 2007). There are
Monday, April 29, 2019
Summary of what is the right supply chain for your product Essay
Summary of what is the powerful bring out chemical chain for your product - Essay ExampleFor Innovative products, many companies introduce innovation to impart customers an added reason to purchase their products. Innovative products give a company higher profit margins, but their lead is very unpredictable, their life cycle is short. Because of their high-profit margins and unstable contain, innovative products necessitate a special supply chain than agencyal products. Supply chain has two different functions these include physical and the market mediation function(Fisher, 112). The supply chain physical function includes converting raw materials into parts, components, and transferring all of them from one position in the supply chain to the next position. Market mediation ensures that the variety of products reaching the market matches what the consumers want to buy. The predictable demand of functional demand products makes market mediation simple because it nearly achieve s a perfect match betwixt supply and demand. Uncertainty is intrinsic in innovative products, and companies accept that, but companies that grew up in oligopoly with less(prenominal) competition find it more difficult to accept the high levels of uncertainty that exist today in many
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Steve McCurry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Steve McCurry - judge ExampleOtherizing is a unique feature of picture taking, which can be defined as conveying some(prenominal) meaning to the viewer along with the fool so that the viewer interpret the picture in a certain trend. In fact, this is what happens when a viewer sees something that they cannot actually relate to. The artists who argon pithive in otherizing roll in the hay to convey the feeling with minimal effort and the communication takes place in a vey subtle way though the overall effect is rather large. One of such photographers is Steve McCurry who is well known for his dramatic pictures. His intimately famous photograph is the Afghan Girl (1984). McCurry is a photographer of armed conflicts including the Iran-Iraq war, Lebanon polite War, the Cambodian Civil War, the Islamic Insurgency in the Philippines, the Gulf war, the Afghan War and so on and on. Throughout his photography career, he focused on the consequences of war on gracious life, and the spe cialty of his work is that the effects are not in the landscape, not in the dress, but simply in the face and eyes of human face. A close analysis of the working by McCurry reveals that many of the works by McCurry proves that he is exhausting to otherize the subjects, and this otherization comes as a result of the traits of colonialism and the concept of supremacy of the West which remain in both the sensible and unconscious of the photographer. The West always had a curiosity towards the Oriental Other, and this tendency is clearly seen in the works of McCurry. The pictures to be analyzed here are the Afghan Girl (1985 2002). The first picture was shot in an informal school in a refugee camp. The photograph shows a female child in red burqua with the background of a common building. Her face is somewhat youthful, but her eyes are wide open, fearful, doubtful, and green in color. A sprightliness into the eyes of the Afghan girl reveals a lot of things to the viewer. First of all, the problems suffered by the girl in her life are evident in her watchful, vigilant and untrusting eyes. McCurry makes sure that the youth and white of the girl well-contrasts with the fear in the girls eyes. One can see that McCurry has selected a green building as the backdrop of the picture. Coincidently, or intentionally, the green color of the backdrop is seen in the girls eyes too. In addition, the green background is combined with the green burqua worn by the girl, thus attracting the viewer to the eyes as they seem to pop. Furthermore, the picture is taken in a low light compass so that the face and eyes receive more attention. Though the wrinkles and burns of the burqua are hidden, the overall effect is a revelation in concealment. A close analysis of the picture reveals that the girl does not look like a thirteen year old girl, and the main reason behind the over-aging is the fear in her eyes. One can see that this fear is again supplemented by the defiance evident in her eyes. In order to understand how the great artist is not free from the sin of otherizing, one should look at the other photograph as well. Now, it is necessary to turn to the second picture of the same girl McCurry took subsequently seventeen years (2002). This time, the artist visited the place again and met the girl. By this time, she was between 28 and 30, and with her husbands permission, he took the second photograph of the Afghan girl. The first point visible in the second photograph is the lifelessness in her eyes. Though fearful, the first photo is filled with a lot of life, but in the second photo, there is no energy in the eye, and it has lost its glitter. In addition, the artist uses the technique of development dark colors instead of the green and red in the first one. Though
Saturday, April 27, 2019
A Perky Way to Productivity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
A Perky Way to productivity - Case Study ExampleHowever, the kinds of perks being offered at some of these companies are not in rejoinder to actions, scarcely offered as incentive to do their jobs that is not the point or purpose of benefits and perks in the workplace. The attach to pays you to show up on time and to do your work, they should not have to offer you a tribute for what they are already paying you for innately. When used correctly incentives provide the company with increasing revenue, but besides motivate the employees at the same time. They have lower turnover and higher retention (Miller, 2007). If something works then(prenominal) it is feasible to invest in it. However, there is a point where such things can become extreme. For example, an employee tidy sum room is a little inappropriate in the workplace it does not exactly promote expertness and productivity. The concern can come when potential employees stop choosing their careers and workplaces based on t he quality of the company but more dependent upon the nature of the rewards they ordain receive. When better perks are offered by a competitor they will be quick to bail out on the company. It can start to be less a same rewarding good employees for a job well-done and instead, essentially, bribing them not to leave. This could easily diminish the integrity of the vocation in the long term.The employee motivation strategies the two companies, Genentech and Zappos, are implementing involve a number of typical and preposterous motivators. Firstly, they use traditional incentives like, bonuses and other monetary motivators. They, also, employ strategies that involve some unique choices and incentives. They offer things like on-site employee day care, special rooms for nursing mothers, free snacks, pajama parties, and employee nap rooms. Both, of these companies are boasting that their employee cheer and retention are high and their turnover is low, which means that
Friday, April 26, 2019
Benefits of Mentoring Programs in Schools Research Paper
Benefits of Mentoring Programs in Schools - Research Paper ExampleThis has an overall effect of simplifying the staffs employment of establishing and monitoring relationships among children in elementary enlightens (Rose 1). Moreover, mentoring programs in the elementary schools allows mentors to advocate on the childrens behalf since they understand them (Rhodes 1).Mentoring programs wreak the status of the children by deriving an understanding on the mentee and enhancing social standing (Rhodes 1). These programs also foster academic focus by presenting academic issues to the forefront and offer a natural context for mentors to address school and learning issues (Rhodes 2). Moreover, most mentors in the mentoring programs in the elementary schools cannot volunteer their function outside the school context. As such, these programs attract mentors who cannot offer their services in community-based programs hence maximizing this exclusive potential (Rhodes 2). Such mentors be mi nority volunteers who have considerable knowledge and skills on mentorship. This benefits the children and the administration of the elementary schools since they benefit from this potential. Furthermore, it is clear that sourcing and book binding mentors for school-based programs is much easier than sourcing mentors for community-based programs (Rhodes 2). As such, these programs allow for the spreading of mentorship wealth in elementary schools.The mentoring programs in the elementary schools are equally flexible since they accommodate cross-gender matches (Rhodes 2). Indeed, these programs have more mentors coming from all genders where both males and females render their services to children. Indeed, these programs reach more children than the community-based programs thus helping children who cannot access community-based mentorship program, which depicts their ability to reach higher-risk children and families (Rhodes 2). At the same time, mentoring programs in the elementary schools attract more
Business Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business interrogation Paper - Essay ExampleMETHODOLOGY .7 4.0 Research Design.8 4.1 topic Area and target group8 4.2 Sampling techniques and Sample size8 4.3 Research Instruments.8 4.4 Limitations of the Research9 5. SPECIFICATION OF HYPOTHESIS AND OBJECTIVES 5.0 Hypothesis..9 5.1 Objectives9 REFERENCES10 1. INTRODUCTION The major purpose of the guinea pig is to examine the effects of an effective and efficient precaution on the performance of an organization. The leaders of an organization pay back a major impact on the organization depending on how they perform their functions. The management of an organization performs contrary functions and thus, the success of the organization greatly depends on the manner in which the duties are performed (Drucker & Maciariello,2008, 30) Therefore, the objective of the study is to describe the major impacts that an effective management would have on the overall performance of an organization. The study seeks to find the accomplishment of increase in production of an organization when then the management improves its performance. The foremost reason as to wherefore I chose the topic is because I would want to assess the major factors that determine the success of an organization. In addition, I would excessively like to find out how the performance of an organization can be improved and make effective. The topic in any case interests me since it affects a variety of individuals and businesses in the economic world. Thus, such a research would be very useful to many parties in the business market. Many business organizations would definitely want to turn back the management of their businesses is effective in order to ensure that they reap the accruing benefits. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter focuses and concentrates on previous studies conducted in regard to the effects of effective management on the performance of an organization. The issue of managements effectiveness is very crucial to t he organizations performance and thus, many scholars have conducted distinguishable studies concerning the issue. 2.1 Critical Literature Studies have shown that when there is effective management in an organization, there will also be effective planning. On the other hand, effective planning in an organization ensures that there is a smooth flow of activities and operations. Thus, the organization is likely to accomplish most of its objectives (Anthony & Anthony,2008, 34). The management of an organization also has a function of co-coordinating operations in the departments. Thus, when there is effective management in the company, there will also
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Rational choice theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
intelligent survival of the fittest theory - Essay ExampleSpecifically, sagacious choice theory also claims that the conclusion maker knows all the potential alternatives and that s/he makes a decision after evaluating them all (Heath 2001).Decision-making process in organizations can be distinguished as automatic regular decisions made in accordance to establish guiding principlesor non-programmedchoices necessitating new and innovative solutions (White 2006). Furthermore, decisions vary with regard to the level of risk present, ranging from those wherein the results of a decision are fairly definite to those wherein results are considerably indefinite. Indefinite circumstances are communicates as luck statements derived from either subjective or objective facts (Heath 2001). Rational choice theory portrays decision makers as consistently rummaging around appropriate and relevant information to make the best possible decision.This essay will talk of the premises of lucid cho ice theory, its implications on managerial decision making, and the validity of the argument that individuals are rational and normally act as maximizing entrepreneurs.Rationality is revered in the Western world. A rational choice is one that arises in structured procedures and maximizes a value, regardless if it is marketability, controllability, reliability, efficiency, integrity, or any of numerous early(a) values (Goodin 1998). Observance of any value requires upholding one alternative over another. According to rational choice theory there are major steps to making a rational decision (Allingham 2002). The enterprise is as crucial as the ultimate decision, due to the fact that each step affords an opportunity to re-evaluate the lessen and maximized values (Allingham 2002). The first step is problem definition. This entails identifying key variables under consideration and analyzing the
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
TAX Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
TAX - Essay ExampleThe code of ethics is real by a passe-partout body such as the ICAEW and often, it is monitored and enforced by the body curiously where governmental regulations are of little or no effect. Members are, therefore, to follow the code in order to be in good standing with the institution or organization. Ethics is have-to doe with with operations of the organization thus to handle client relationships, a code of conduct is required in an institution. The code of conduct refers to a practical document of set standards and principles that govern client relationships with staff subdivisions in the organization.The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) defines a professional code of conduct that accountants are supposed to follow. It is applicable to everyone affiliated to ICAEW, i.e. students, staff members and employees of member firms in professional and business activities. According to the CISI code of conduct, members are required to demonstrate high standards of professional conduct and take into consideration the interests of the general public. Ethical behaviour is essential in gaining public swan in financial reporting and business practice hence to uphold ones accountancy reputation ICAEW schema the principles under which the accountants should operate. Similarly, the Charted Institute of Security Investment (CISI) has a code of conduct that aims at boosting banking finance rightfulness through raising professional standards of the financial services offered. According to CISI, an essential component of professionalism is integrity that is the useful recipe of knowledge skills and behaviour. In essence, both the ICAEW code of ethics and the CISI code of conduct are concerned with professionalismFor CISI, the professionals who operate in the securities and investment industry are obligated to the
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
The European Union and Employment Relations Essay
The European Union and Employment Relations - Essay Example plainly negotiation of course does not mean the theoretical perspective al mavin. It requires practical grounds of the policies which shows clear execute of anti discrimination utilization policies. Here the EU lacks behind, when it comes to practise the policies. (Amsterdam Treaty, 2007a)The gender comparability report no doubt shows that gender employment issues argon almost resolved but the gender pay falling out has remained. Despite enhancing article 12 of the Amsterdam Treaty which clearly states that no discrimination would be allowed incomplete on the basis of gender nor on the grounds of nationality between men and women, womens social position in the labour market is relatively weaker than that of men. (Amsterdam Treaty, 2007a) Women lack behind men in exercising bargain exponent with employers to negotiate for higher wages. Similarly women lack better access to training, and promotions to supervisory positio ns.No matter to what accomplishment gender inequality has negotiated with EU policies, it is evident that the Amsterdam Treaty has taken only small go to help forward the construction of European citizenship. Indeed, it placid fails to guarantee a basic common timeworn of fundamental social rights to EU citizens. The social rights recognized in the Community Charter of the Fundamental friendly Rights of Workers, which figure in the Treaty only as not legally binding principles, do not allow for a metamorphosis of sparing citizenship into the full social citizenship of the European democratic tradition.Transnational corporations mend understanding the discriminatory issue fuck off given significant attention to the womens theatrical role in influencing womens economic status. Either in the figure out of supranational policies or global policies (Desai & Naples, 2002, p. 220), they have realised the way women have contributed in the employment in export-processing zones but then again this realisation has not proved the women deserving marginalisation. Therefore the result is nothing but low-paying, dead-end jobs followed with poor working conditions. The new innovations in the tally Treatment Directive 2000 have outlawed indirect discrimination, discrimination on the basis of sex, ethnicity and race. (Hoskyns, 1996) On the one hand, EU has equipped feminists who possess international relations within the boundaries of EU. With a framework of sex equality laws women have been able to extract reforms from national governments. Beneficial mostly for white women who are subjected to strong employment positions with secure and stable jobs, EU policies have benefited middle class women, but what about those vulnerable groups who are considered as minor or even non existent. What about those black and migrant women who are dependant upon receiving anthropoid violence not only at their homes but also at their work places in the form of sexual harassment Wh at about those accidents and injuries in the factories, in which use of toxic chemicals are common, that burn workers and still not take the responsibility for their health problems and illnessesThe widespread sexual harassment in the Member States and the role of the EU institutions in devising strategies for dealing with it provides an excellent opportunity to explore some of these issues demonstrates the importance of networking across national
Monday, April 22, 2019
Statement of purpose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Statement of aspire - Essay ExampleThe fact that one day I lost my best friend later a technical error due to lack of cognition makes me even want to learn more. In his memory, I will provide basic training to all the unskilled workers in the oil domain of a function on safety.My desire to become a petroleum engineer is so that I can rear more than just cleaning and dusting the electric panels. I sincerely dont wish to do that for the rest of my life. The luck to join the program will equip me with knowledge to work dynamically constantly applying the latest knowledge and technology. This will ensure that there is a reduction of coast, effectiveness and time management.I fully visualize the dedication and efforts that the contour demands. I am willing to go the further step of doing my own inquiry on the content learnt in class and their applications. The institution offers the best facilities and professors well experienced in statement and practice application of engineerin g principals in the mining field. A chance to study from the best produces massive minds. Successful products are not necessarily the outgrowth on the market but are the first to appeal to us emotionally. A chance to study at the institution will be extremely appreciated and reciprocated by hard work, total cooperation and compliance to instructions and academic excellence in the course work. I am looking forward to be transformed and apply the ingenuity in me to drub problems in the petroleum industry in an ingenious
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Britney Spears snapping under fame Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Britney Spears snapping under fame - Essay ExampleThe education aired to the populace roughly a certain issue, for example, a political issue, or that in relation to fame will affect race in their perception and transform their thinking on certain issues. The downfall of Britney is not an exception from media influence. The hypothesis assumes the human mind to be feeble than the media created by it. This leaves room for psychological effects on the actual availed by the media. The internet in the recent years caused a considerable effect on how state relate with the media (Bayles, 2001). Communication theory relates media information to the psychology of individuals.The pop celebrity, Britney spears experienced various challenges. She has undergone relationship issues conduct her to file cases in court for divorce. She even once stayed in a rehabilitation facility for dose addicts due to her drug consuming habits. All these events were present in the media (Tisdell, 2007). Fr om the internet, radio and television, one would find information about Spears relationship, divorce and drug scandals. All these issues about spears were in media thus created a different show about the celebrity. The media aim was to watch every move for Britney as it is the case with all celebrities. Her scandals and relationship issues were withal in newspapers plus magazines. A stunning issue arose back in 2004 after a proceeds indicating engagement with Kevin Federline. Her several funs in the entire globe were in surprise (Bartolomeo, 2010).The publicity became a diminutive issue, as it was famous to funs. Britney and her fianc managed to theater a reality show on television characterizing the events culminating to their relationship. After marriage, Britney announced a break off from her career stating her interest in her family affairs (Bartolomeo, 2010). Britneys shows were evident in the media including the show Dateline in which she expressed her views on the tabloid rumor about her. Britney encountered battles of
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The Skeletal System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Skeletal System - Assignment ExampleThe appendicular framing, on the other hand, as the name implies, consists of the appendages, which include the upper limbs and the lower limbs. The upper limbs include the humerus, the radius and ulna, and the carpals and metacarpals. The lower limbs include the femur, the tibia, the fibula, the tarsals, and the metatarsals. another(prenominal) components of the appendicular skeleton include the shoulder girdles, consisting of the scapulae and the collar work ups, or clavicles, and the pelvic girdle, made up of the coxal or hip crams, which include the ilium, ischium and pubis. The appendicular skeleton functions for helping the various joints of the body per embodiment bankrupt and make the body run in a smoother fashion. The appendicular skeleton too functions for style, travelling and the performance of any tasks done by the arms, hands, legs and feet (Axial and Appendicular Skeleton).Detailed Functions of the SkeletonThe functions o f the skeleton include providing support for soft tissues, production of red blood cells, storage of minerals and lipids, and coordination of the muscular system to aftermath achievement and support for the body, in order to carry proscribed the will of the individual concerning any act that requires physical movements (The Skeletal System 2013). As for support and physical movement, the structure of the bone in the form of a tubular shape with a hard and dense circumference and a hollow amount is the one that efficiently and effectively affords maximum support for the body. ... As for support and physical movement, the structure of the bone in the form of a tubular shape with a hard and dense circumference and a hollow center is the one that efficiently and effectively affords maximum support for the body. Moreover, in terms of the tutelary support that it gives the soft organs, the skull protects the brain the rib cage and sternum protect the lungs and the heart and the pelvi s and the pelvic girdle provide protection for the reproductive system. In terms of movement, the bones provide anchorage for the muscles. The root is where the muscle is fixed to a bone, and the insertion is the moving point of attachment. Fin wholey, still in terms of the movement function, bones meet other bones at joints in order to allow varying degrees of movement (The Skeletal System Introduction 2013). Another function of the skeletal system, particularly the bone marrow, is to carry out hematopoiesis, or the process by which a single type of stem cell gives rise to all types of mature red blood cells in the body. In the adult human being, this is carried out by the bone marrows of the skull, and those of the ribs, sternum, vertebra, pelvis, and the proximal ends of the thigh bones or femurs (Ownby 2002). In terms of the storage of minerals and lipids, the bone is where several metabolically active minerals are stored, especially calcium, which is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Calcium is inherent in regulating the intracellular activities of muscle cells and neurons. Moreover, lipids are stored in the yellow marrow of the bone. These lipids are demand in the regulation of body heat, for providing heat, and as a structural component of cell membranes (Osseous create from raw stuff and Bone Structure 2013). 1.3 Structure of Bone Tissue
Business and Management about WTO Dissertation
Business and Management about WTO - Dissertation spokespersonConcentration Index 56 5. 3.4. Diversification index 57 5.3.5. transaction Composition 59 5.3.6. Trade Balance per Product 64 5.3.7. Trade Performance and Multinational Presence in Vietnam 66 5.3.8. performer endowment and Composition of trade 70 Conclusions 79 References 80 Appendix I 83 1. base It is essential to find out the probable outcomes of the liberalization of trade on macroeconomic variables for various polity reasons. The most significant of which is that the liberalization may influence the direction, the scope as well as the magnitude that may be used to smooth out external shocks and thereby, stabilize the business cycles through the fiscal and fiscal policies. Liberalization has the potential of making the countries more prone towards the international price shocks and thus, it may also give rise to the risk exposure. Liberalization may further affect the terms of trade of a country as well as its pr ices and competitiveness, which may all result into broader implications for poverty and employment. This subject field forgeting investigate some of the potential macroeconomic impacts on the domestic market of a country resulting from its summation to the WTO, in particular the case of Vietnams accession to the WTO forget be discussed that allow enable us to determine that how it may assist our organization to enter new markets. This study will concentrate on the period from 1995 when Vietnam commenced to undertake its negotiations for joining the WTO, up to the date of 31 December 2007 that is one year after its accession to the WTO. Since the mid of 1980s, Vietnam has boarded on to the economic reforms and its accession to the WTO has been caused by its drive for bringing economic reforms to its preservation and for its better integration in to the trading system of the world. The membership of WTO-World Trade Organization and the participation in RTAs (regional trade ag reements) pose significant challenges for the domestic firms along with bringing several benefits and opportunities to them. Numerous social concerns related to to the trade policy reform and liberalization arises with the implementation of the WTO commitments. The domestic businesses might face several challenges magic spell endeavoring to adjust to the pressure of the rising competition in the market that arises from the commitments undertaken by the government of the state in the process of WTO accession. Having done in various countries, the implementation of WTO obligations has a significant impact over the economy and the society of the host country. Thus, we will study the accession of Vietnams accession of WTO in order to rate the impact of WTO on firms and thereby, determine how it may help our organization in entering new markets. For this purpose, we will investigate the role of WTO in the sustainable and equitable economic development of a country. The report will dis cuss the impact of trade and institutional reforms through the WTO accession by studying and learning from the case-study of Vietnam. We will learn, in this report, to capitalize over advantages and minimize the potential negative impacts that emerge from the implementation process by working out the measures as well as through action oriented recommendations. In specific, the study aims to investigate the following subjects 1. the impact of WTO over the macroeconomic policies, the public sector as well as the public revenue, in particular 2. the impact of WT
Friday, April 19, 2019
Concepts of safety, assessment, and communications Assignment
Concepts of safety, assessment, and communications - assignment ExampleAnother issue of concern in Mrs. doubting Thomass case is that the administration of hydromophine has workable side effect of initiating respiratory depression whose impact is fatal.Chance of postoperative complications occurring is influenced by factors such as the general health status, age, the type of anesthesia, urgency and the surgical site. Incidences of these complications are high during the first three old age after the operation. In this case, the occurrence of these complications is likely to result from the age of, Mrs. Thomas.Postoperative complications can be prevented done evidence-based interventions such as optimal nutritional status, weight control, anemia correction (Crile, 1925). In addition, technical aspects such as incision type, drainage can be used to prevent occurrence of these Complications.The pain that Mrs. Thomas is complaining about might be due to wound infection. There is a te ndency of skin-deep wound infections to occur during the first week after the operation. Initial intervention may include performing surgical repairs on the painful locations and biosynthetic mesh. Surgical injury is another possible diagnosis, which can in like manner be corrected through surgery. Disordered wound healing is another possible diagnosis in this case. Proper diet is the most appropriate intervention method that can be offered to, Mrs.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Security and Loss Prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Security and Loss Prevention - Essay instanceThe risks and dangers involved, both on-the- mull and off-the job determine job selection. The time of exposure to the risk, safety and precaution measures in place to enhance personal safety serve as an enticement to the job (McKay, 2007). In the case of an Executive Protection Officer, the minimization of risk exposure by the availability and allowed use of bulletproof vests gives an potency of safety. The carrying of a concealed automatic weapon would further ensure both on and off the job security, just in case the security situation gets out of hand. The main aim of working constitutes the assume and desire to get spending money (McKay, 2007). The salary and allowance package attached to the job bring to reflect the commitment, dedication and risk involved. Further, in cases of loss prevention jobs, the remuneration needs to take into stipulation the involved goods, services or property. In cases of Executive Protection, the extr a training, putting life on the draw off for the executive and the extra hours spent with the executive, at the expense of family, require consideration to ensure a satisfying package. The doing of perfect and satisfactory jobs relies much with the satisfaction of the workers involved (McKay, 2007). Job satisfaction drives workers to enjoy the job and its milieu and make them to forward to another day at the workplace. Personal satisfaction, and not fate or wish of any other occupation, goes a long way in determining on-the-job performance.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Employee Reward Strategy for Heidelberg Insurance Services Assignment
Employee Reward Strategy for Heidelberg redress Services - Assignment ExampleIn order to reduce the problems of lack of commitment, Poor quality movement and Lack of effective control, it is hereby recommended that the amount of times based net income in their monthly bear home should be considerably reduced and a new system of commission based recompense should be introduced. Commission should be directly proportionate to the volume of gross revenue achieved by individual gross revenue consultant. Also, the formula of higher the sales, the higher the percentage of commission should apply.Complete abandonment of fixed based salary is not recommended because it leave alone reduce melodic line security that may lead to high turn all over. Also, if due to either reason i.e. illness, a sales consultant is not able to work for full enumerate of geezerhood in a month his/her commission income leave alone sharply reduce. Thus, this fixed based salary will supplement that consult ants income in that particular month. Ultimately it will lead to enhanced commitment towards HIS.In an addition, to look effective checks and balances on the activities of sales consultants, amount of commission income should be made inversely proportionate to the number of complaints received against each(prenominal) of them.A Points schema of Rewards i.e. ... Customers feedback should also have strong impact on a sales consultants pay package and quarterly/yearly bonus. To achieve this, customer satisfaction survey should be conducted after careful selection of sample. It will help in two ways. First of all it will make the customer feel that his/her feedback regarding the sales consultants service to him is important to the company and thus it will wear out a sense of attachment between him/her and the company. Secondly, it will help exercise effective control over the sales consultant. He/she will take great care at the time of making commitments - a problem that the company is facing and paying for by bad publicity by some insatiable customers. It is also highly recommended that the police squad of sales consultants should not be hired by one sales director only they should be divided into 4 teams and each team headed by one team leader directly reporting to the sales director. It will be easy for team leaders and the sales director also to handle small groups of people that will help develop committed teams competing with each other in terms of sales and quality of output. Clerical DivisionExisting Payment SystemAn organizations success depends not only on the performance of its sales team and / or of the senior management, the pocketable tasks performed by clerical stave are also important though relatively lesser than that of others. At Heidelberg, existing reward strategy does not reflects any thing that may motivate clerical staff to stay committed to the organization and to help achieve managements aim of reducing cost. Recommended Reward Str ategySince the job does not require a very high level of commitment, neither does
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc Essay Example for Free
Dr pelt Snapple Group Inc EssayDr Pepper Snapple group, Inc. is a major integrated brand owner, bottler, and distri howeverer of nonalcoholic deglutitions in the united States. In 2007 they had net gross sales of $5.748 billion, 21 manufacturing facilities and approximately 200 distribution centers in the United States. They be the turning one confederacy in carbonated soft drink crossings in the United States. Their business strategy is to invest approximately heavily in their key brands to drive profitable and sustainable growth by specialityening consumer aw argonness, maturation innovative fruits, and brand extensions to take advantage of evolving consumer trends, improving distribution and increasing promotional effectiveness. Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. likewise wants to focus on driving growth in their business with emerging categories, through brand extensions, sunrise(prenominal) intersection point launches, and selective acquisitions of brands and dist ribution rights. The come with has a future goal of epochally increasing the number of branded coolers and other cold drink equipment over the next few years, which is expected to provide an bewitching return on investment. The federation withal intends to leverage its integrated business model to reduce be by strategically creating greater geographic manufacturing and distribution coverage and to be more(prenominal) flexible and antiphonal to the changing needs of large retail customers by coordinating sales, service, distribution, promotions, and overlap launches.A question came into mash of whether or not a profitable mart opportunity existed for a bracing nil beverage brand to be produced, commercialiseed, and distributed by the family in 2008. With the companys underway cogencys, business strategy, and imperious reputation, it would seem to be a good move. But one must first involve the competition, customer, and if the company itself can successfully introduc e a new harvest-tide to a specific market. The company has several(prenominal) succinct strengths. They halt a pixilated portfolio of dealering consumer- preferred brands. This means that they have a versatile portfolio of bottlers, distributors, and retailers with a wide variety of products and provide a foundation for growth and profitability. Their Snapple brand is also a leading ready to drink tea. Overall, in 2007 more than 75 percent of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. volume was generated by brands that hold either the first or second position in their category. The strength of these key bread and butter brands has served as a platform for lunching innovations and brand extensions in the past such as Accelerade RTD, a ready to drink sports drink that launched in late May 2007.The company therefore had check in what it truly meant to create a new branded postcode drink which would serve to be useful, as the strategy would be similar. Entering a new product market. A secon d strength the company possesses is their Integrated Business Model. This provides opportunities for net sales and profit growth through the alignment of the economic touch on of its brand ownership and its bottling and distribution business. Thirdly, they have strong and long standing customer relationships. This is so Copernican for the success of a company. They have a wide range of strong relationships from bottlers and distributors, to national retailers, large provender service, and widget store customers. They also have strong relationships with nearly of the most important U.S. retailers including Walmart, Safeway, Kroger, and Target. other strength is their attractive positioning within a large, growing, and profitable market. They hold the number three position in the United States, Canada, and Mexico beverage market. The company has a great competitive edge, as they cater to the need for change and the demand for product with health and wellness benefits more so th an any of their competitors.Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. also has a broad geographic manufacturing and distribution coverage. They have 21 manufacturing facilities and approximately 200 distribution centers in the United States. The company has strategically laced their warehouse at or near bottling pants and geographically sprinkle them across sales regions to ensure company products are available to meet consumer demand. This enables them to better align their operations with customers, reduce transportation costs, and have greater control over the timing and coordination of new product launches. Another strength is their strong direct margins and significant stable cash flows. The breadth and strength of the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. product portfolio has enabled the company to generate strong operating margins, which combined with relatively modest capital expenditures, have delivered significant and stable cash flows. This in turn creates stockholder value by enabling th e company to consider a variety of alternatives, such as investing in its business, reducing debt and returning capital to its stockholders. Lastly, they have an experienced executivemanagement team. They all have an total of more than 20 years of experience in the food and beverage industry.The team has a broad experience in brand ownership, bottling, distribution, and enjoys strong relations both within the industry and with major customers. They also have diverse skills that support operating strategies, including driving organic growth through orient and efficient marketing, reducing operating costs, enhancing distribution efficiencies, line up manufacturing, bottling, distribution interests, and executing strategic acquisitions. Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. realized they had a weakness, as they were the tho major nonalcoholic beverage company with no pushing drink brand of their own. They also recognized an opportunity, no company had yet positioned themselves as an adul t energy drink. Going into the zip beverage market also seemed to jibe with what their future and current goals were. Industry analysts were projecting an average annual growth rate of 10.5 percent from 2007 to 2011. Also, since their current demographic was more health conscious then the competition, which gives them a competitive competency, they also had another untapped opportunity to market their energy drink by note.Currently, there are five major competitors that require the U.S. energy beverage market Red Bull North America, Hansen Natural Corporation, Pepsi-Cola, Rockstar Inc., and Coca-Cola. Pepsi and Coca-Cola also compete with what Dr Pepper already offers from an industry and market point of view. Sadly, when it comes to advertising funds available, Dr Pepper has some funds available, but not nearly close to what Red Bull has. With that existence the case, we feel that an avoidance of the competition, by freeing the travel plan of a product innovation technique by means of differentiation, would be the best route for Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. to be successful.There are some warning signs in the industry. The energy beverage market has experienced product proliferation and price erosion in recent years. Proliferation resulted from line extensions new packaging and size, and market segmentation. Existing brands also typically offer regular and sugar free verities which have a sizeable share already in the market. Brand position typically emphasizes an energy boost, metal alertness, refreshment, and taste. This is why our product differentiation positioning is so important for the brand to be truly successful.Several opportunities for product differentiation exist. One of which are the ingredients. Specifically, a new brand could augment the energy and mental alertness benefits by increasing the amount of herbs, vitamins, and natural ingredients. Secondly, no brand has positioned itself as an adult energy drink. Adults between the ages o f 35 to 54 consumed energy beverages at a rate that was only slightly less than consumers under 24. Thirdly, the packaging. alone the energy brands on the market lacked meaningful differentiation. They all get a lineed the like. With the product, they felt it would be smart to introduce a new drink with a re-sealable lid, something that would stand out in the crowd. The current energy beverage consumer typically consists of males between the ages of 18-24. Energy beverages are most often consumed in the by and bynoon, the second most popular sentence of day is morning consumption. Convenience stores and supermarkets are the dominant off-premise retail channels for energy beverages.In general, energy beverage manufactures with a broad product line and an extensive distribution network have had the superlative success in gaining shelf space in supermarkets and mass merchandisers for their brand. This would correlate with Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. strength of having great rela tionships with their vendors. We would recommend that they follow suit with partnerships with the dominate off-premise retail channels, but as a more health conscious beverage. The solution that we came up with for the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group was to incorporate all of these opportunities into a new product called go down, which stands for Real Alive Micro-Nutrients. The products target market lead be adults ages 25- 44 both males and females, who are interested in their health. In specific we are targeting the working middle class.Our average consumer would be someone working long hours that need constant energy throughout the day, even after work when they need to go home and take care of their families. They are constantly on the go and busy. When developing a new product you must implement the marketing mix. The first being the product, repel energy drink. Our product is focused on providing the same alert and energized feeling as traditional energy drinks, without including ingredients that have harmful side effects. Other drinks such as Red Bull can lead to dangers such as cardiac arrest, headaches, insomnia, eccentric person two diabetes, and many other health issues (Top 10Energy Drink Dangers). Our new product impede, will be replacing ingredients that lead to these dangers with more vitamins. For example our product will not include ingredients such as Carnitine, Guarnana, Ginseng, and Ginko Biloba. All of which are commonly used in energy beverages but there presence is not clearly reflected on their labels. Instead they cover it up by listing them as part of a 5000- mg energy blend these ingredients can be extremely dangerous (Higgens).Instead, we will have ingredients such as Iron, Biotin, Zinc, Omega -3 fatty acids, antioxidants, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D. All of these attributes to brawny energy levels but are a more natural way of doing so. Another detail of RAM will be lower calories, right instantly out of the five leading companies in the energy beverage market, not including sugar free products, Monster has the lowest calories being 200 per 16oz can. We want our product RAM to be around 150 calories per bottle, with only about 25 grams of sugar. Compared to Monster, which has 54 grams of sugar. RAM will also only be made up of natural flavors with no added artificial flavors or colour added, whereas the other lead competitors all ad coloring and most admit to adding artificial flavoring when some do not list the specification, which usually means they are trying to hide something. We want our customers to chicane every little ingredient that makes up RAM and hopefully this will build trust and relationships in return.Many people are just now starting to notice all of the potential dangers that energy drinks contain, which is why our product will stand out as a healthier choice that offers the same benefits. The look of our product will be completely unlike any other energy drink, which are usually un-sealable cans. RAM will be sold in a 17 ounce recyclable cardboard bottle with a re-sealable screw on cap, similar to those that Vita Coco coconut water uses. This type of bottling will fit better with the target markets lifestyle because the container will be easier to engender on the go with no spills or messes. They are also able to drink some now and easily save the rest for later. When designing the prototype of the bottle we choose the colors dark unsanctified and black so that they would be gender neutral and attract the more mature market. The label is also clear and easy to read. We suggest that RAM only starts off introducing two flavors and see how they perform and introducing a new flavor within the next 8 months of the campaign.The two flavors to startwith might be RAM berry and citrus, because they are common and consumers might be more willing to try. From there they can be given the product line even further by offering a sugar-free option and even be ing sold in packs of four or large cases. The next aspect of the marketing mix to look at with RAM is pricing. We think that it is best to price themselves competitively at about $2.15 a bottle. Which is only a few cents cheaper than drinks such as Monster and Amp depending on the location. The third part of the marketing mix is place. Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. has a wide range of strong relationships from bottlers and distributors, to national retailers, large food service, and convenience stores, such as 7-11, and their customers. They also have strong relationships with some of the most important U.S. retailers including Walmart, Safeway, Kroger, and Target. Building on their current strength of market channels, we felt that off premise retailers would represent the best choice for the product to be carried. Lastly, we have to figure out the promotion that will be used for RAM.Since our funds are low compared to competitors, and we are going to avoid any conflict, we will be focusing on braggy out samples while the product is being first introduced. We recommend the company hires sales reps to go to topical anaesthetic grocery stores, with whom they already are doing business with, to give out samples to customers for them to try the new drink. It would also be a good idea to promote the new brand at events such races, athletic games, and concerts that our target market would be attending. This can be as simple as setting up a tent offering free samples and coupons. We also recommend using social media as a platform because it is extremely cost efficient and we can easily select our target. By means of analyzing the companys strengths, tactics, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats, we were able to come up with a product that would be successful.Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. passel statement says, It is our vision to be the best beverage business in the Americas. Our brands have been synonymous with refreshment, fun, and flavor for generations, and our sales are poised to keep growing into the future. We feel that by building on their current strengths and marketing a product by means of differentiation through its ingredients, demographic, unisex packaging, and partnerships with loyal vendors, we will have a success with RAM. Real, Alive, Micro-nutrients.Works CitedHiggens, John. Energy Beverage Content and Safety. (2011). Print.Top 10 Energy Drink Dangers. caffein Informer. 24 Apr. 2012. Web.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Constitutionality of Stop and Frisk Essay Example for Free
Constitutionality of Stop and Frisk EssayThe ordinal Amendment of the United States Constitution guards against mindless frontes and seizures. It also states that no warrants shall be issued without a probable cause. Modern jurisprudence has afforded police force ships officers an incentive to paying attention the amendment. The Stop and Frisk rectitude allows police officers to stop someone and do a quick seem of their outer clothes for weapons if the officer has a reasonable suspicion that a crime has or is close to to take place and the person halt is armed or dangerous. The reasonable suspicion must be based with specific articulable facts and not on just an officers hunch. The Stop and Frisk law balances crime avow, cherishs an individuals right, and prevents erroneous searches. The Fourth Amendment states, The right of the mountain to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be seized (Lehman 471-476).This amendment can be broken into 2 hard-hitting parts the wisdom clause and the warrant clause. In the beginning, the U. S. Supreme Court adopted the conventional Fourth Amendment approach, which says the warrant and reasonableness clauses are firmly connected. The reasonableness clause protects the peoples right against unreasonable searches and seizures. The reasonable clause has to pass the reasonableness test, which consists of two elements that the government has to prove balancing element and butt basis.The balancing element is the need to search and/or seize outweighs the invasion of liberty and privacy rights of the individuals. The documental basis is when at that place are enough facts to back up the search and/or seizure. The warrant clauses states that further warrants and probable cause are reasonable. It was not unt il the 1960s when the Supreme Court shifted from the conventional approach to the reasonableness Fourth Amendment approach. It states that the 2 clauses are separate, and address separate problems.The warrant clause tells us what the Fourth Amendment requires solely when law nforcement officers want to obtain warrants. Since a small percentage of searches and seizures are made with warrants and many searches and seizures slangt require probable cause either, the warrant clause isnt very important. Todays stop and frisk law grow out of the practical problems police officers face in preventing and canvass crime on the streets and other national places in our largest cities. In investigations, officers are usually dealing with people they dont know or probably wont ever read again. commonly these strangers suspicious behavior doesnt add up to the probable cause require to bring forth them. An example would be that officers dont have enough facts and circumstances viewed through their paid experience and training to arrest two men, who peer into a store window, look around to see if anyones watching them and pace up and down repeating the slicktern for 10 minutes. What should the officers do at this point? Keep watching? Do nothing about the situation? Detain the men and pat the down for weapons?Take them to the police station? These issues were raised in the famous terrycloth v. Ohio, 392 U. S. 1 (1968) case. Terry v. Ohio, 392 U. S. 1 (1968), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court which ruled that the Fourth Amendment hindrance on unreasonable searches and seizures on unreasonable searches and seizures was not violated when a police officer stopped a suspect on the street and search him without probable cause.On October 31, 1963, a Cleveland police spy named Martin McFadden saw two men, John W.Terry and Richard Chilton, standing on a street corner feel suspicious. One would walk by a certain store window, stare in, and walk back to the ot her to confer. This was repeated several times, and the detective believed that they were plotting to do a store robbery. The officer approached the men and addressed himself as a policeman, and asked their names. When the men appeared suspicious in their answers, Officer McFadden patted them down and discovered that both men were armed. He proceeded to remove their guns and arrested them for carrying concealed weapons.Terry was sentenced to three years in prison. Terry appealed the case, claiming that the guns found should be inadmissible as evidence since his Fourth Amendment rights were violated. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court, where it was it was ruled that his rights had not been violated. In an 8-to-1 decision, the Court held that the search undertaken by the officer was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment and that the weapons seized could be introduced into evidence against Terry.The Court found that the officer acted on more than a hunch and that a reasonably p rudent man would have been warranted in believing Terry was armed and thus presented a threat to the officers safety objet dart he was investigating his suspicious behavior. The Court found that the searches undertaken were limited in scope and designed to protect the officers safety incident to the investigation. In reference to the Fourth Amendment searches and seizures, officers need to prove few suspicions facts and circumstances to back up stops and frisks than they do arrests and full-blown searches.Stops and frisks represents the beginning of a chronological path through the criminal process from more frequent and more visible searches and seizures in public to more intrusive searches and seizures out of sight in police stations. Stop and frisks arent just okay points for constitutional lawyers and courts to debate. They also reflect broad public policies aimed at balancing the values of crime take hold and individual liberty and privacy.Since stop and frisks take place in public, the display of police power is there for everybody to see. Because of this visibility, stops and frisks probably shape public opinion of police power more than the greater invasions of arrest and searches that we never see. Deciding which is more important in a constitutional democracy crime control by means of less intrusive public stops and frisks affecting more people or often invisible arrests and searches affecting fewer people is both a constitutional and public form _or_ system of government question.The key facts are 1) Officers are going to stop many people who havent through anything wrong and theyll frisk lots of people who arent armed. 2) Most of the same people want police protection and (at least in high-crime neighborhoods) need it more than people who live in safe neighborhoods. 3) twain lawbreakers and law abiders in high-street-crime neighborhoods from lasting opinions about the police from street encounters theyve watched or experienced.
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